Fish oils, in capsule or liquid form, may contain heavy metals including mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic. They can also contain dioxin, a carcinogen (cancer-causing agent) which is an industrial pollutant that finishes up in waterways. A small number of fish oil products are purified to remove these contaminants, but most are not. Supplements may state ‘mercury tested’ on the label which implies they are mercury-free when they are not. An analysis of one such brand shows it to contain 10 times more mercury than a purified product.
The reality is that all fish oil supplements in Australia have to be ‘mercury tested’ before they can be marketed, and they must meet the Australian Government standard of mercury levels. This level is not stringent, and one well-known brand contains 100 times more mercury than a purified supplement. But this level is considered ‘acceptable’. One problem with ‘acceptable’ levels of heavy metals is that one person may benefit from one capsule daily, whereas another person with a particular health problem may need to take 6 to 10 capsules daily. The person needing the higher dose will automatically be someone who has more health problems and therefore mercury toxicity is even more of a concern.
There is no government requirement that fish oils be tested for levels of dioxins, leaving the possibility that high levels will not be detected. A further problem with contaminants is that most capsules described as ‘reflux-free’ or ‘enteric coated’ contain traces of plastics in the coating.
How does the consumer find out about these sources of toxins? It can be difficult. As a Health Practitioner and retailer, I insist that suppliers give me the results of the product analysis. Nothing on the container makes this information available to consumers. My advice is to follow the recommendation of a qualified practitioner as we are aware of the brands which are purified to remove heavy metals and dioxin, and manufactured free of plastics.
High dosages are necessary for an anti-inflammatory action. This applies when treating arthritis, allergies, auto-immune disease, and cardiovascular disease. In adults, six (6) high-potency capsules per day are recommended for anti-inflammatory action, which brings much improved pain relief. Many people take only one or two capsules, which will not give adequate pain relief.
Treatment of ADD, ADHD, behavioural problems (children, teenagers and adults) and mood disorders also require high doses. It is crucial to avoid the toxic overload of mercury on the liver, brain and immune system when treating these conditions.
For many purposes smaller dosages are sufficient. One or two purified high potency capsules per day is the recommended dose for cardiovascular health and general wellbeing.
Unsurprisingly, the purer quality high potency capsules are more expensive. This can be offset by the fact that half the dosage is needed. Unfortunately price is usually an indicator of quality with fish oil supplements, because of the additional processing involved to ensure the purity. Quality brands are also ‘nitrogen-flushed’ to prevent oxidation, as all natural oils are at risk of going rancid with exposure to air.
With all these problems, you may well ask whether we should bother with fish oil supplements. My answer is a resounding YES, because the benefits are great, and all the toxicity issues can be avoided with careful choice of the product.
Trish Clough has been a practising herbalist for more than 30 years. The information in the column is meant for general interest only and should not be considered as medical advice.