Highly prized throughout history and used as a flavouring, perfume, medicine, colouring and in ceremonies, saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. This fact alone gives it an air of reverence and magic. The spice consists of the fine threadlike stigma of the Autumn Crocus (Crocus Sativus) flower. Each flower contains 3 or 4 threads, which to this day are harvested by hand, and it takes 150 flowers to produce just 1mg. of saffron. Because of its cost, it is frequently adulterated with cheaper substitutes, so one needs to be sure of its quality. This was such an issue that in the 15th century people convicted of adulterating saffron were burned or buried alive.
Next to cardamom, saffron is my favourite spice to
use in cooking. I love its pungent earthy flavour and remarkable colour, for
example in saffron rice. It lends itself to sweet as well as savoury dishes.
Although traditionally used as a medicine in the Middle East, it is more
recently being incorporated into the modern herbal dispensary in the West.
saffron was used medicinally for menstrual disorders, fever, coughs and colds,
fertility problems, teething pain, depression and ‘general weakness’. In recent
years, scientific studies have confirmed its effectiveness in many of these
ailments. Impressive results were found
in research published in 2005 demonstrating improvements in patients with mild
to moderate depression. The effectiveness
was similar to that found with prescription medications Prozac and Tofranil.

research studies have found benefit in PMS and macular degeneration. Saffron in
medicinal amounts is usually well tolerated, although should be avoided in
Along with
its use in depression, in clinical practice I have seen saffron used
effectively for people experiencing grief.
A colleague of mine prescribes it along with a tincture of rose petals
with excellent results. The combination tends to be very emotionally
introduced in a liquid tincture form, saffron can be easily administered as a
single herb, or as is my preference, combined with other herbs such as lemon
balm, St. John’s wort, and bacopa to support the nervous system and cognitive
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